Our Staff

pARISH Staff

Fr. Nathan Lopez


Fr. Nathan is a priest in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He was ordained in 2019 and attended seminary in Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon. Fr, Nathan is originally from Santa Fe, NM. He became pastor of San Juan Bautista Parish in 2022 after serving as the assistant pastor. Fr. Nathan enjoys Northern NM and loves the parish community of San Juan Bautista.

Fr. NATHAN MAY BE REACHED FOR SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCIES AT 505-231-0724. For all other inquiries please contact the parish office or Pastor@sanjuanandtewa.com


Deacon Dennis Montoya

Phone: 505-692-0409

Email: dennism545@gmail.com

Deacon John Bird

Deacon Greg Aguilar


Monica Naranjo

Receptionist/Office Assistant

Phone: (505) 852- 4179


Robert Gress


Miquela Vigil

Director of Religious Education

Phone: (505) 927-2751


Alice Martinez

Bulletin Editor

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